"The Way to get started is to stop talking and to start doing"

-Walt Disney

Thursday, December 16, 2010

my crazy day

Well the promotion that my company was having ended today and here is how my day went.

-My 1st grader had a Christmas play at 8am and this is the one day that the boys decided to sleep past 6:30. We fought traffic in the rain and made it in time to see most of it.
-Stopped by the grocery on the way home and left the umbrella at home = one drenched mommy, boys, and groceries.
-Called my mentor and received a call from someone who is thinking about starting a business - she had more questions...
-While I was on this call, the boys worked very hard at emptying out all the bedding chips out of our new guinea pig's cage all over our carpet. Spent the next 20 minutes vacuuming and moving the new pet to the kitchen.
-Sent out a few text messages and checked my email. Responded to a few questions about my business
-Lunch time and dirty diapers. The boys only wanted the gummy bugs out of their kids cuisine tray and picked at the rest.
-Tried twice to get my two year old to nap - made a phone call inbetween attempts.
-Called a new business partner to see if I could do anything to help and ended up talking for a half hour. The boys now decided to dump out all the guinea pigs food and mix it into the bedding...
-Picked up my daughter from school and finally got my two year old to nap after we got home.
My husband had brought home one of these bakugan toys from school to show my son and the boys both wanted it and fought terribly all night until he finally ended up taking them to target to buy some more.
-I stayed home with my daughter for bath, homework, story, bed...
-2 loads of laundry later and I am finally sitting down at the computer to do a little advertising and send out a newsletter to my team.

This is what the life of a work at home mom is really like. I work whenever I get the time to. Even though there is always something going on around the house, I work phone calls and emails into my day. It is great to stay home with the kids and even more wonderful to not have to miss them or pay for daycare, but you do have to be a pretty good muli-tasker and be self motivated to make it work.

Monday, October 18, 2010

free seminar for moms coping with special needs

I am so grateful to be working from home so that I can actively participate in my 3 year olds speech therapy sessions and OT sessions. I cannot even imagine working outside the home right now and having someone else tell me when to work.

My speech therapist let me know about a free telesiminar this Wednesday for moms who would like to learn more about how to cope with the different situations that come with having a child with special needs.
You can visit
to register.

I will listening on there - hope to see you on there too.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Is your husband skeptical about you working from home?

We had a great training session this week. One of our executive directors was talking about how her husband was not supportive when she started her business. He came on the call and gave us some great advice about working through this problem. By the way, she has also replaced his income. He quit his job and is staying home working the business now too. He gets to be at every field trip with his kids and coach all of their sports at school.

Thankfully my husband was supportive of my decision and we did not have to go through all this. But, I see many women struggle with this issue. I do not even think I asked my husband. It made sense to me and I got started.. I knew that I did not have to purchase inventory and resale it or pay for my training and I knew that I could cancel my membership in any given month.
It was an investment of time, not money.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Are you always going to work late because your child is sick?

Like so many other moms, I found out how quickly your career plans can change when something goes wrong with one of your children. I would love to say that all my children are healthy and learning at the appropriate age level and able to go to daycare like most kids so that I can stay working full time, but that is not my life. I would love to share my story and hopefully you will learn something from it. If you have children with asthma, allergies, eczema, or special needs, grab a cup of coffee and read my story below:

I was working in a full-time management position 50 hours a week and my husband was a school teacher with a pretty consistent schedule. We worked opposite schedules and never saw one another, so that we would limit my new daughters daycare time to 20 hours a week. Instead of her having a runny nose most of the time like the other children, she would get it in her chest and would develop bronchitis about twice a month. Of course I was sick all the time and late for work as well as I was run down and taking care of her while she was sick. No longer was I next in line for a promotion - I quickly became a burden. After about 3 months of this, the doctors sent home a nebulizer for albuteral and steroid treatments. They said that if I could keep her out of daycare until preK she could outgrow this. You cannot imagine how guilty I felt for putting her into daycare at 10 weeks old and I knew that my career was going to drastically change.

Six years later, we live closer to family and I have two little boys at home with me in diapers - three children now. My daughter is starting first grade and has been completely healthy for 4 years. i was planning on returning to work about a year and a half ago, when something else happened. My 2 1/2 year old was not talking, was having horrible tantrums and constant earraches. My life turned upside down again and we began spending half of our day driving across town to speech therapy and OT therapy and research studies. I could not find a salaried position that would work with his schedule. It turns out that he has a speech disorder and some sensory issues and now my number one job is to try to get him caught up. Now you can imagine by now our savings was gone and credit card bills were piling up.

I tried many work at home jobs and got taken. Surveys, mystery shopping - paid about $5-10 and I need $2000 a month! Then luckily I found Work at Home United in a local parenting magazine. I saw an online presentation and fell in love with the information. I am able to work on my computer and cellphone whenever I have time in my day and am slowly building a business to last a lifetime. We are finally able to pay our bills and pay off some debt and I see such potential with what I am doing.

Please do not wait to long too realize that there are wonderful opportunities out their to work at home if you are willing to jump right in and make it a priority in your day and if you do not fall for the "make $500 a day typing something into the computer" scams. People say that they are looking for something where do not have to talk to anyone or have anything to do with products. I think that these people are kidding themselves and wasting their time and making themselves so vulnerable to loosing a lot of money.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Are you feeling overwhelmed this week?

I do not know about you but the 3 days leading up to school starting is the most stressful time of the year for me. Even more so than Christmas. My husband is a school teacher and goes back to the classroom at the beginning of the week and my daughter does not go back to school until Thursday. I also have two little boys at home with me in diapers and this means that there will be three days of everyone fighting. You see they are used to both parents being at home and are getting pretty tired of each other after being together all summer. My daughter is fighting for all of my attention since she knows that she will be going back to school and her little brothers will be with me all the time -she will stop at nothing to get attention... Plus there is so much to do to get ready for school to start.
I was pretty stressed out this morning when I first got up.. So I decided to make myself a decent breakfast, grab a second cup of coffee and a snack for the kids, and play some baby einstein videos. That way I could make a long to do list. This was a list for the rest of the week, not just for today. I prioritized what I needed to do today (school supplies, shoes, grocery) and what could be done over the course of the next few days. I feel like I am being pulled in so many different directions - I own a business working from home and need time to work, we are working with a financial planner to get more insurance and a will so there is a whole to do list from them, my daughter's cross country has already started, I want to put things in a fall consignment sale which just happens to be this week!, and then there is the school uniform and supply list..

I decided that my son's speech therapists had the right idea today - they rescheduled everyone and took the day off to spend with their children who are going back to school tomorrow. So, I spent the afternoon playing with the kids, especially my daughter. It made me think about how grateful I am to have the option to do this. Most moms have no control over their schedules, so I am glad that I made the choice to work at home.

I am sure that most of the other parents I work with are feeling overwhelmed too and are glad that I did not call. Hopefully they gave themselves the afternoon off too.

I hope that all of you other moms get through the week OK and can find a way to relax a little. To do lists, lots of coffee, and laughing with my kids always works for me.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Crazy day!

We had so many family appointments today. I took a phone call during my son's Occupational Therapy appointment and wish that I had let it go to voicemail. It was the end of his session and he was upset about having to put on his shoes to go home and was screaming...
The boys missed their naps and were so cranky. I am so glad that they are all in bed and it is quiet for the first time today.
Somehow I did manage to bring someone to an online presentation this evening and talk to a couple of my business partners. What is important is putting as much time as you can into your home business. It is OK that I had a busy day with the family today - I did the best I could and will put more time into my business tomorrow.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Too Exhausted to talk

I experienced a new dilemma today as a work at home mom. Maybe some of you have had this happen too. I was talking to another mom on the phone who had requested information from me and wanted to know what I do from home and my husband was playing on the computer. This meant that all three of my little ones were upstairs with me...
My three year old was being very loud and following me around and I was walking all through my 2-story house trying to find a quiet place to talk. Finally I sat down in the middle of the toy room upstairs and found myself so winded that I could hardly talk!! I had not realized that I had been walking and talking for 10 minutes and had worn myself out. I told the lady on the phone what I had been doing and she laughed because she has a 5 year old at home and could understand.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I am going to Knoxville, no matter what!

The company that I work with is coming to my state for the grand opening of our new Distribution Center next week. It is a good road trip - 4 hours away. I have decided that I am going to hop in the car and go. I have not gone out of town without my kids - ever!!
My husband is home from school this summer and can watch the kids and get them to their activities for the day, right?
This is definitely mixed emotions for me. I cannot wait to go - it is going to be so fun with a ceremony and a tour.. but I will miss my kids so much. I left my little boys with Daddy today and took my daughter out for a few hours and missed them so much.
Feeling this way tonight makes me so glad that I work from home and can be with them all the time. I am so spoiled...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

"I do not have a dollar to join your team."

I talked to someone today about what I do from home and told her that we are having a promotion for the next 10 days and it is only 1 to get started. That is for her website, training, everything. And she said "I do not have a dollar." Now I know that times are tough, but really? $1 to start your own home business is a great opportunity that does not come around very often. She proceeded to talk me for 40 minutes about her family, her neighbors, her personal problems...

Think about this.. If you were to start a new job outside of your home, is this really free to do? What about clothing, shoes, resumes, gas to get to work, possible lunch to pay for because you are not close to your kitchen, daycare costs, after school care costs? I would gladly pay $1 to not have to pay for these expenses. And quality time spent with my family, instead of time spent in traffic and at the office, is priceless.

Friday, July 9, 2010

My Laundry room is becoming my office.

So I was so excited a few weeks ago when we moved the desk down to the living room. My own desk that I could use for my business! Trying to work upstairs was impossible - all three kids would follow me upstairs and would constantly be needing something from the kitchen..
But after a few weeks, I have discovered that the TV is always on, there is always someone in my lap, and my computer is always sticky... If I am on the phone and am trying to relocate upstairs to have some quiet, the 22 month old sees me leaving and follows me upstairs crying loudly. My husband was supposed to be watching them last night while I was taking a business call and they all ended upstairs jumping on my bed.
So now I find myself going into the laundry room downstairs and shutting the door. Sometimes if they figure out where I am, I end up one step further in the garage.

If you have your own home business, I am sure that you have been in this funny situation. You end up talking on the phone in every corner of your house.

Other things I do to have quiet when I am on the phone:
I usually tell my kids that they need to be quiet while mommy is on the phone so that we will have money for our next trip to Disney World.
If this does not work out, I give all three of them ice pops..

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Have a home business and potty training at the same time???

We are potty training my three year old son and have been trying everything. I was giving some information about my business to the nicest lady tonight and was in the kitchen because I thought that it was the quietest place at the time.
My husband had him on the potty in the bathroom and was watching TV not paying attention... My son came out to the kitchen and stood in one of the chairs with no pants/diaper on and had pee running down his legs! I totally lost my train of thought and had to get my husband's attention to help clean him up.
I explained at the end of the phone call and luckily she thought that it was funny..

Friday, June 11, 2010

An important quote to live by if you decide to build your own business

"Successful people have the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do."

You will hear people complain that the success rate for home businesses is not very high and after working with my team for 6 months, I know why. Many people just do not get started. Because they are their own boss, they do not make their business a priority in their life. You need to be self motivated to have a successful business and never give up. You need to find a couple hours a day to devote to your business even if it is after the kids go to bed...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

fun mommy facts

-Current age of 1st time moms is 25
-Moms with a full time job spend 13 hours working at the office or at home on family chores.
-88% of the laundry is done by moms, totaling 330 loads of laundry each year.
-You will change 7300 diapers by baby's 2nd birthday
-A Preschooler requires mom's attention once every 4 minutes or 210 times per day (I love this one - no wonder I am so tired)
-Preschooler moms spend 2.7 hours/day on primary childcare.
-Middle income families spend $242,070 to raise a child to 18 (not including college!)

References available at www.happyworker.com

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My homework for the week

Some of my mentors asked us to sit down and make a list this week. The topic is a little different. We usually do a lot of goal setting and make a list of our "Why" or our reasons for wanting to work from home and be our own boss. This helps to keep us motivated and focused when the kids are pulling us 1,000 different directions.

But this week, we are supposed to make a list of our "wants" instead of our needs. If we grow our business and hit our goals this year, what are some of the things we would like to do. We do not do this very often as moms, so it feels a little wierd.

I would like to buy my kids clothing at full price just because it is cute
My family would like to go out to dinner or breakfast once a week.
I would love having more cash on me - I never carry cash now..
I would love to give more to my church and have my daughter's full year of tuition already in the bank account.

I guess once you get started the list could go on for awhile. It is nice be able to know that there is noone holding me back as I advance in my job but me. Noone to compete with for a promotion, no boss to hold me back, noone penalizing me for coming into work late when my child is sick. When you finally find the right work from home opportunity, it is such a relief.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Busy night tonight

After a busy day of school/therapies for my son all morning and cleaning up to toy room this afternoon, I have also a busy evening planned with work.
I have a new business builder getting started at 7:30, a conference call at 8:30, and someone getting information at one our of webcasts at 9:00.
The good thing is that I did not miss out on anything with my kids today. We were able to grill out for dinner and play outside before I had any phone calls to make. My husband is learning to help out and do the dishes and help put the boys to bed.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

CNN special -Toxic America continues tomorrow

No Toxic Zone: Watch CNN's Toxic America Special: TONIGHT~ If you are still in-doubt about whether toxic chemicals play a part in illness and cancer, I suggest you watch the following programs. Wednesday and Thursday, June 2nd and 3rd, at 8pm EST,CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta will be airing an eye-opening investigativestory: Toxic America. If you care about public and environmental health, it's must-see TV

I cannot wait to watch and learn more. I love helping others switch to natural, safer products. Let me know what you think of the special.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

My daughter does not understand to be quiet while mommy is on the phone.

OK so I have not posted something funny in awhile.. Which is strange because my life is a circus with a daughter in kindergarten and two little boys. I was on the phone this week with someone who had contacted me for more information about working from home and my daughter walks in the room and announced loudly "Mommy, You have to put Alex on the potty cause he is pooping his pants!" We are potty training around here on top of everything else. I gestured for her to be quite and kept on with my conversation hoping that it went unnoticed.

The good thing about my work at home business is that almost everyone I am on the phone with has kids at home and they understand when I have to excuse myself for a minute. Sometimes my business partners and I have to call each other back a few times and are really comfortable with this. I could never have a job at home where things had to be quiet and professional in the background, like in travel sales or customer service...

The next 10 weeks are going to be so exciting!

I started my home business in November and have been working very part-time with my three small children by my side. I have been slowly learning how to fit my work into my busy "mom" schedule and have had a hard time networking with other people because I always have my toddler on my hip and have a hold of my three year olds hand.

But, thankfully my husband is a school teacher and will be home for the next 10 weeks. I am going to now work full-time and am so looking forward to meeting my new business partners for lunch and helping them to get their businesses started so that they can stay home with their children. I am also looking forward to finally getting to go to some networking events here in our area.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Why starting your own home business just makes sense.

With the economy being so bad and the unemployment rate and job loss at its highest in years, millions of Americans are searching for a way to get back on their feet and return to their normal lives.
So how do you STOP the economy from affecting your bank account?

1. You have to supplement your income, not by getting a second job and spending more time away from your family - it is tough out there trying to find a job anyway – but by starting your own home business so that you have control over your hours and finances.

2. Partner with a company that has a low start-up cost. If the start up cost is returnable if you choose to cancel, this is nice too.

3. Partner with a company where NO new money is coming out of your budget. This is very important...if you were not spending money on it before you got involved don't start now!

4. Find a company where you don't have to carry any inventory or stock product...this will cut down on your cost, the goal is to put money in your pocket not give it away. Also try to find a consumer direct marketing company where your customers are buying directly from the manufacturer and you are not having to take orders, collect money, or make deliveries. If you have to do these things, you will not be spending anytime with your family.

5. Find a high-quality product line that will allow your customer to save money and a company that offers incentives for loyal customers who shop every month. It needs to be products that people are already using in their homes everyday – selling only one product that noone truly needs would be very hard right now as people are really watching what they spend.

6. Partner with someone that has a system in place and can show you how to succeed in the business...find a team that provides a mentor or leader!

If you follow these steps and put some effort into your new business, you can have something that noone else can take away.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Chapter from Deirdre Imus book

Did you know that the ingredients in many common household cleaners— laundry and dishwashing detergents, glass and tile cleaners, air fresheners, furniture polish, carpet shampoo — have been linked to a number of serious childhood health disorders, everything from asthma to cancer? Read on…..

'Green' cleaning products - Natural tips on how to clean up the planet and your home

Cleaning is a basic necessity in life, and enviromentalist Deirdre Imus, aims to show busy moms how to "green" clean their homes sparkly and bright with simple solutions. Deirdre was invited to appear on TODAY to discuss her book, "Green This! Volume 1: Greening Your Cleaning."

Here’s an excerpt:
Chapter 1: A New Meaning of Clean

Our most precious natural resource
We all want the best for our children — the best schools, the best doctors, the best foods. But often, we give little thought to the environment where our children live, and the quality of the air they breathe. Some of us smoke with our children sitting right next to us. We bring home dinner from a fast food restaurant because it's cheap, or zap leftover lasagna in the microwave because it's convenient. We spray pesticides on the lawns where our children play, and set off roach bombs in the rooms where they sleep. We use chlorine bleach, and ammonia, and dozens of other toxic chemicals to clean the clothes our children wear, and the plates they eat off, and the carpets they lounge on to watch TV.

We make these compromises every day, not because we don't care about our children — on the contrary. More than anything, we want our homes to be clean and sanitary, safe havens where our children can thrive. We compromise because we're busy and exhausted and overcommitted. Taking constant shortcuts seems the only way to manage our hectic lives.

But the time has come to slow down and start paying more attention — our children's futures depend on it. We live in a world polluted by toxins. We're exposed to pesticides and carcinogens in the foods we eat and the clothes we wear; in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the substances we use to clean our houses. The deadly chemical cocktail building up in our bodies is causing us great harm, manifesting itself in everything from asthma to cancer. Toxins are ravaging our lives — and even more so the lives of our children. Because they are smaller and still developing, they are far more vulnerable than we are to toxic exposures, yet they are assaulted at identical levels.

Now, as a result, their health is suffering. In the United States, childhood cancers, now the leading cause of death by disease for children between the ages of one and nineteen, increased by approximately 21 percent between 1975 and 1998. Certain other cancers — brain tumors, leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and central nervous system malignancies — are growing even faster, at rates of about 30 percent over the last two decades. The National Cancer Institute estimates that these rates will continue to grow an additional one percent every year. And that's just the beginning. Over the past decade, we've seen a sixfold increase in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). An appalling American diet has produced an obesity epidemic, and diabetes is at nearly epidemic proportions as well. Chi ldhood asthma is the leading cause of emergency room visits and absenteeism in schools. Rates of autism are rising fast, and rheumatoid arthritis has become the third-most-common chronic childhood disorder. Premature births, problems conceiving, and birth defects are all on the rise.

It's no secret that environmental factors contribute to many of these extremely serious health issues. But even as our bodies rebel against toxins, we continue exposing ourselves to them recklessly, without pausing to consider how our snap decisions might affect our health, or the health of future generations. Most of us feel helpless when confronted with these terrifying realities. We shrug off the health crisis our kids are facing as beyond our individual control.

I'm here to tell you that we can take action to improve this situation, and it's much easier than you might think. As consumers, we have the power to control the level of toxins that enter our homes. With a little knowledge, we can give our families a much healthier life.

Rethinking how we clean our homes is, to me, the most logical place to begin this process. After all, unlike so many other modern conveniences, we don't use chemical cleaning products to save time or money. We use them because our mothers used them -- because, quite simply, we don't know any better.

Throughout the book, I've tried to identify ingredients that may be harmful to you and your family. Some of my assertions might be controversial; the manufacturers of these products will insist that they have been tested and are safe when used as directed. But I don't think that should be the end of the inquiry. Even if the products I discuss are not necessarily toxic to all people in all circumstances, they do all contain potentially dangerous substances. Obviously, the hazards depend on many factors, including how concentrated the chemicals are, and how long we're exposed to them, but can we really afford to take risks with our children's health? Even if the phenol in a single squirt of air freshener isn't immediately harmful, the amount in a bottle is likely to be toxic if your child ingests it. And kids love to sample everything th ey can get their hands on.

I am also concerned that there has not been sufficient testing to determine the harm to the environment or the long-term ill-health effects of exposure to commercial cleaning products. What little we do know is frightening, so instead of gambling with our children's future, I really recommend using nontoxic alternatives whenever they're available.

Did you know that the ingredients in many common household cleaners— laundry and dishwashing detergents, glass and tile cleaners, air fresheners, furniture polish, carpet shampoo — have been linked to a number of serious childhood health disorders, everything from asthma to cancer? If not, it's not your fault: The manufacturers of these familiar items never tell us that their products are packed with potential carcinogens, neurotoxins, mutagens, teratogens, and endocrine and hormone disrupters. Misleading or incomplete labels can fool even the most conscientious moms.

These companies have no incentive to enlighten us. Think about it. If more of us knew that the cleaning products we depend on every day contained potentially dangerous chemicals, we'd surely stop buying them immediately. And if we did that, these hugely powerful corporations would be forced to change their business practices, or start losing money fast. But what's more important in the end — these companies' profits, or our children's futures?

As a culture, I think we're all looking for ways to live healthier and get closer to nature, whether consciously or not. We desperately want to lower our toxic burden, not add to it every time we do the dishes or disinfect the toilet. Unfortunately, that's exactly what we're doing every time we clean our homes with chemicals.

The good news is that there is a safer way to keep your homes germ and dirt free — without sacrificing quality, or investing any extra time or money. There's no reason to lower your standards or empty your wallet to protect your children's health. No reason, either, to feel stressed by the changes I'm proposing you make. I know from experience that stress paralyzes people, and I can't emphasize enough that real change occurs slowly, one tweak at a time.

I repeat: This doesn't have to be a big project. I'm not asking you to put your life on hold, or do weeks of research, or overhaul your entire household. I've written this book to demystify the process for you, to give you realistic steps that will empower you to make the first small changes.

The more you learn, the more you'll understand how much common sense my whole approach makes. You'll begin to ask: If nontoxic products exist that work as effectively as — and sometimes even more effectively than — the synthetic cleaners I grew up with, why would I knowingly expose my children to harmful toxins? Why not eliminate all traces of chemicals that might make my kids sick or harm the environment?

As parents, we have a responsibility to start asking these questions — and to start demanding answers. We need to equip ourselves with this information so that we can make the right choices for our kids. Children are our most precious natural resource. They don't have a voice of their own. It's time we spoke up on their behalf. For their sake, I encourage you to make the commitment to a healthier life today.

Excerpted from “Green This! Volume 1: Greening Your Cleaning” by Deirdre Imus. Copyright @ 2007 by Git'R Green, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by Simon & Schuster No part of this excerpt can be used without permission of the publisher.

URL: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/17966376/

Saturday, March 13, 2010

In this economy, it is so important to be able to offer products that people need and use in their homes everyday.

I watched a lady today at a consignment sale and felt so sorry for her. She had a table set up displaying her beautiful jewelry that she makes. What a talent! At the end of the sale though she said goodbye and not one person had been interested in her products all day.. She said that she is hardly selling anything right now because people do not want to spend money on extra things.

It made me so grateful that I do not have to constantly be trying to sell people things that cost them extra money. I love that my company offers products that we use up everyday in our homes and that we are switching stores to buy higher quality, safer products (cleaning products, bath and body products..) that we were going to buy at walmart anyway.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

How to tell if the company you are looking into is legitimate.

I looked for eight months for a good work from home opportunity and found a few scams that not only took my money but also wasted months of my time. This is what I have learned. A good work from home opportunity will:
*Have a great support system and a mentor to help you get started. Also it is helpful if the company comes to your area frequently for conventions/training.
*Host at least one training conference call a week to you keep you connected.
*Have a low start up fee.
*Have an excellent rating with the BBB
*Have loyal customers who shop every month or your income will not continue to grow every month. The loyalty rate should be 90% or higher.
*Have had continuous growth for a long period of time and be debt-free.

Most importantly, it should be easy to cancel your membership and get your money back, so there is no risk.

I know that looking for a work at home job can be scary. Hopefully these suggestions will help you in your search.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Effects of Toxins in your home

Did you know that the cancer rate for children has increased by 28% since pesticides have been added to our household products? I am so glad that I found out about this statistic and have filled my home with safer products.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Keeping your appointment times when you are out of town

We went up north to visit family this weekend and I was able to bring my computer, speakers, and planner with me and still keep appointments for Saturday afternoon. That is one good thing about working from home - It does not matter where you are. As long as you have your computer and your phone, you are in business.

I had to walk around the house while I was on the phone, because the kids were playing with their cousins and were running around yelling. I finally found a quiet spot and everything turned out fine.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I love helping others work from home

I am welcoming a new business partner this weekend. She is excited about our products and I cannot wait to teach her how to start earning money from home for her family. So many people have been scammed before and lost so much money. I am happy when they finally find our company and can start reaching their goals.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday

I attended a training workshop across town yesterday morning. One of our executive directors was in town and we learned so much and got to meet some other coworkers here in Nashville.

Took the day off for Superbowl Sunday - the house is a mess and we had so many dishes after making food all day. Have to get back to work tomorrow after my son has all of his appointments in the morning.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I hope we all feel better soon

This morning we drove across town to the doctor for my two boys and were there forever. They both had strep tests and the baby had to use the nebulizer for the first time and got so upset. By the time I got them lunch and got home, I had to turn around and go pick my daughter up from school. What a fast day.

After getting everyone home, I spent about 45 minutes posting some ads online. I am learning about linked in this week and am fascinated by it. I am also joining in with some of my alumnae networks. Other than this we were all sick and exhausted and just went to bed. Not a very fun day -hopefully everyone will sleep in tomorrow and feel better.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Another busy day

The boys are not feeling well and were extra needy today. While I was on the phone, they worked together to empty out the diaper genie all over the floor.. It was disgusting -some really bad diapers in there..
They did actually sleep at the same time during their nap so that I could get a shower and return some phone calls. I have been able to find a bunch of old friends on facebook this week and was listed on Biltmore's whos who for professional women. However, the listing was supposed to be free and they called wanting me to pay for a lifetime membership for around $800. It took awhile and three other promotions later, I finally got through to her that I wanted what was FREE.

I set an appointment for Sunday's webcast with someone who saw my decal on my car at my daughter's school. I also got to talk to a new team member who is growing her business so quickly - we called each other for advice since we are both somewhat new to the team.

Not a bad day

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Three little ones are sick

My schedule was finally back to normal today. My husband returned to work and my daughter was well enough to go to school. I took my three year old to OT therapy and speech therapy, which took up the whole morning. He did amazingly well for having a cough and runny nose. Then we went home for a few hours before we had to go to pick up my daughter from school. Wednesdays go so fast for us.

My cellphone rang many times during our therapies and I was able to call people back and answer questions as soon as we got home. My mentor helped me this evening with a new enrollee and then my three year old came down with a fever and needed to be cuddling on the couch for the rest of the evening.

I am so glad that I do not have to call in for work anymore when my kids are sick. I remember when I worked outside the home being next in line for a promotion until my daughter started getting sick at daycare.. After that I was seen as a burden, coming in late a lot. I eventually had to go part time to keep her out of daycare.
It is nice not to have a boss or attendance reprimands to worry about.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Another snow day with all three kids and daddy at home

We are still snowed in in Nashville. Since my husband was home, he took the kids upstairs to play in the playroom for awhile so that I could send some emails. I tried to make a few phone calls, but noone was answering their phone today. Everyone is probably in the same situation, busy with everyone stuck at home needing something.

After the streets thawed out a little, we were able to take my daughter to the doctor and get a few groceries. After dinner on Mondays, I always join our weekly team power call, where our team gets together on a conference call and talks about our week. It is a good way to start the week.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Important lesson learned

One thing that you learn about working from home - If you have the support of your friends and family, you can advance with your company and start earning a paycheck very quickly. Some do this within a weekend by having some people to their house to share information.
If you do not have this support, then you have to find other ways to market yourself.
Luckily with Work At Home United, your mentor is able teach you how to bring attention to your website with both offline and online advertising. I have been learning all about social network marketing and am able to build a successful business this way. I have been having a great time meeting new moms from all over the country. Not many companies teach you so many different ways to get new contacts and it is a great feeling to be able to help other moms who have a goal of spending more time with their kids.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Still snowed in

Noone in the neighborhood is getting out. The highways are not even clear yet - Our transportation department must not be prepared for any snow.. I was able to get someone on our morning presentation and leave a few voicemails. Everyone is busy today. The kids all fell asleep around 7:30 because they were so worn out from playing in the snow. I hope they do not wake up at 5 in the morning...

Snowed in-Nashville TN

On Friday the kids were out of school because of the snow. Very rare to get 5 inches in Nashville. My husband was home to because he teaches school. Made a few phone calls and worked on the computer a little before bed, but mostly took the day and played with the kids in the snow. The day went so fast

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Getting ready for the snow

Just getting ready for the snow storm that is supposed to come in the morning. My daughter and husband will be home tomorrow. Maybe I will be able to get more work done since I will not have to go anywhere.

Today we had to go to the grocery because we were out of everything and I did not want to get stuck at home with 3 kids with no juice or cheese sticks..

I got a new contact today from an ad that I placed in a local magazine - this is my first paid ad and I am so excited to see how many responses that I am going to get from it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What a long day - I think it is time to sleep!

We had OT therapy at 9am across town and then had to go get an early lunch before speech therapy at 11:15.. As soon as I got home, I had a webcast presentation. The boys refused to nap - they saw me get on the phone and smiled and got up.. This is something that I need to work on with them... My baby is turning into a car napper since we have been driving across town so much lately and I think that I had to wake him up from a short nap at least three times today.

then we picked up my daughter from girls scouts, made dinner, worked a little on the computer while watching American Idol, attended another webcast presentation while my husband put my daughter to bed. Here I am on the computer again after I have made lunches and washed the school uniforms.

The best thing so far about building my home business is that my husband is doing the dishes! Another great thing is that I can be working on the laptop, listening to the TV, and cuddling one of the kids at the same time.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gave myself the morning off to play with my little boys

My two little boys and I had a great morning this morning. We had no place to go - no speech therapy, no errands to run. We played superheroes, wrestled a little bit, and watched a movie. I did not even think about work until I put them down to nap.
I will probably just stay up late after they go to bed and spend some time on the computer.
They were in crazy moods and were helping me by messing up my piles of laundry and pouring salt in the oven when I was not looking...
I have two appointments set for tomorrow and met someone that has a new baby girl at home and cannot stand going to work anymore. I looking forward to being able to help her.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Why are my boys not napping?

Well, it is usually naptime and time for me to make some phone calls for work, but my little ones are refusing to nap. Luckily they are at least playing and being quiet so I can work on the computer. I think that they are overly tired - they got up at 6:30 to say goodbye to daddy and we had an hour of occupational therapy to go to across town this morning.

I had one new contact that called me today and have someone scheduled for a webcast presentation later. We always have a team conference call on Monday nights- it is a great time for everyone to get together to go over the promotions for the month and to hear some great success stories.

Have to go - the boys have finally decided that they are hungry and want to eat the cold mac n cheese that I tried to get them to eat an hour ago.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday January 24th, 2010 - first post!!

Sunday is usually family day.. Lazy Sunday morning going through newspaper and bills and making special breakfast for the kids. I did manage to go through emails and facebook during naptime and found out that an old friend wanted information about building a business with Work at Home United.I look forward to catching up with her and inviting her to a webcast this week.

Went to run some errands with my daughter and she is already cranky about going back to school tomorrow.. She got sent home last Tuesday for falling asleep in class and crying. I hope that she makes it through her day and gets some good sleep tonight.

The kids are in bed and I am staying up late working on the computer - how nice to be working sitting on my couch and in my pajamas...