"The Way to get started is to stop talking and to start doing"

-Walt Disney

Monday, October 18, 2010

free seminar for moms coping with special needs

I am so grateful to be working from home so that I can actively participate in my 3 year olds speech therapy sessions and OT sessions. I cannot even imagine working outside the home right now and having someone else tell me when to work.

My speech therapist let me know about a free telesiminar this Wednesday for moms who would like to learn more about how to cope with the different situations that come with having a child with special needs.
You can visit
to register.

I will listening on there - hope to see you on there too.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Is your husband skeptical about you working from home?

We had a great training session this week. One of our executive directors was talking about how her husband was not supportive when she started her business. He came on the call and gave us some great advice about working through this problem. By the way, she has also replaced his income. He quit his job and is staying home working the business now too. He gets to be at every field trip with his kids and coach all of their sports at school.

Thankfully my husband was supportive of my decision and we did not have to go through all this. But, I see many women struggle with this issue. I do not even think I asked my husband. It made sense to me and I got started.. I knew that I did not have to purchase inventory and resale it or pay for my training and I knew that I could cancel my membership in any given month.
It was an investment of time, not money.