"The Way to get started is to stop talking and to start doing"

-Walt Disney

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Important lesson learned

One thing that you learn about working from home - If you have the support of your friends and family, you can advance with your company and start earning a paycheck very quickly. Some do this within a weekend by having some people to their house to share information.
If you do not have this support, then you have to find other ways to market yourself.
Luckily with Work At Home United, your mentor is able teach you how to bring attention to your website with both offline and online advertising. I have been learning all about social network marketing and am able to build a successful business this way. I have been having a great time meeting new moms from all over the country. Not many companies teach you so many different ways to get new contacts and it is a great feeling to be able to help other moms who have a goal of spending more time with their kids.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Still snowed in

Noone in the neighborhood is getting out. The highways are not even clear yet - Our transportation department must not be prepared for any snow.. I was able to get someone on our morning presentation and leave a few voicemails. Everyone is busy today. The kids all fell asleep around 7:30 because they were so worn out from playing in the snow. I hope they do not wake up at 5 in the morning...

Snowed in-Nashville TN

On Friday the kids were out of school because of the snow. Very rare to get 5 inches in Nashville. My husband was home to because he teaches school. Made a few phone calls and worked on the computer a little before bed, but mostly took the day and played with the kids in the snow. The day went so fast

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Getting ready for the snow

Just getting ready for the snow storm that is supposed to come in the morning. My daughter and husband will be home tomorrow. Maybe I will be able to get more work done since I will not have to go anywhere.

Today we had to go to the grocery because we were out of everything and I did not want to get stuck at home with 3 kids with no juice or cheese sticks..

I got a new contact today from an ad that I placed in a local magazine - this is my first paid ad and I am so excited to see how many responses that I am going to get from it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What a long day - I think it is time to sleep!

We had OT therapy at 9am across town and then had to go get an early lunch before speech therapy at 11:15.. As soon as I got home, I had a webcast presentation. The boys refused to nap - they saw me get on the phone and smiled and got up.. This is something that I need to work on with them... My baby is turning into a car napper since we have been driving across town so much lately and I think that I had to wake him up from a short nap at least three times today.

then we picked up my daughter from girls scouts, made dinner, worked a little on the computer while watching American Idol, attended another webcast presentation while my husband put my daughter to bed. Here I am on the computer again after I have made lunches and washed the school uniforms.

The best thing so far about building my home business is that my husband is doing the dishes! Another great thing is that I can be working on the laptop, listening to the TV, and cuddling one of the kids at the same time.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gave myself the morning off to play with my little boys

My two little boys and I had a great morning this morning. We had no place to go - no speech therapy, no errands to run. We played superheroes, wrestled a little bit, and watched a movie. I did not even think about work until I put them down to nap.
I will probably just stay up late after they go to bed and spend some time on the computer.
They were in crazy moods and were helping me by messing up my piles of laundry and pouring salt in the oven when I was not looking...
I have two appointments set for tomorrow and met someone that has a new baby girl at home and cannot stand going to work anymore. I looking forward to being able to help her.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Why are my boys not napping?

Well, it is usually naptime and time for me to make some phone calls for work, but my little ones are refusing to nap. Luckily they are at least playing and being quiet so I can work on the computer. I think that they are overly tired - they got up at 6:30 to say goodbye to daddy and we had an hour of occupational therapy to go to across town this morning.

I had one new contact that called me today and have someone scheduled for a webcast presentation later. We always have a team conference call on Monday nights- it is a great time for everyone to get together to go over the promotions for the month and to hear some great success stories.

Have to go - the boys have finally decided that they are hungry and want to eat the cold mac n cheese that I tried to get them to eat an hour ago.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday January 24th, 2010 - first post!!

Sunday is usually family day.. Lazy Sunday morning going through newspaper and bills and making special breakfast for the kids. I did manage to go through emails and facebook during naptime and found out that an old friend wanted information about building a business with Work at Home United.I look forward to catching up with her and inviting her to a webcast this week.

Went to run some errands with my daughter and she is already cranky about going back to school tomorrow.. She got sent home last Tuesday for falling asleep in class and crying. I hope that she makes it through her day and gets some good sleep tonight.

The kids are in bed and I am staying up late working on the computer - how nice to be working sitting on my couch and in my pajamas...